Showing posts with label The Prophets of Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Prophets of Islam. Show all posts

Friday, 26 September 2014

The Faith of Abraham (as)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ

The personality and mission of Father Abraham (as) has many dimensions and lessons for us.  Throughout his life he was very much interested in passing on the legacy of monotheism.  However throughout his travels he realised that he was not attracting the people as he would have hoped for and thus prayed to Allah for a righteous offspring to carry on his teachings.

Today we will look at one aspect of his personality which is his total and complete submission to Allah.

Firstly, we need to understand that Abraham, up to his teenage years, did not grow up with his parents.  When he eventually went home to his parents he was surprised to see them and his people worshipping idols.  As a matter of fact his father made and sold idols.  So Abraham had a real problem that manifested in him having many disagreements and theological clashes with his father and his people.

Abraham used to ask his father father! Why do you worship that which doesn't hear, doesn't see, and cannot avail you in anything?”  He could not understand the logic of submitting to something that was created and had no life; something that could not even drive a fly away.  He implored his people to seek sustenance and guidance from the One True God.

We need to understand that Allah is The Sustainer.  Everything comes from Him and whatever we want we should beg of Him.  He once told Prophet Musa (as) “O Musa! Ask Me for everything, even the mending of your shoelace”.

True submission and faith is not easy for a lot of people.  Even amongst the believers; a lot of people say they have faith but don’t really act upon it when they seek assistance from sooth sayers etc. 

Abraham tried to show the people in many ways that these creatures they worshipped cannot help them as they even do not have any power of their own.  And when his verbal reasoning failed he tried another tactic.

A big celebration was planned where everybody in the village would attend for a big feast on the riverbank. After making sure that no one was around, Abraham went towards the temple armed with an axe and destroyed all the statues except one; the biggest of them all. He hung the axe around its neck and left.

How big was the shock when the people entered the temple! They gathered inside watching in awe their gods broken in pieces. They wondered who might have done this.Then they all remembered that the young Abraham preached against their idol worship. They brought him to the temple and asked him “Are you the one who has done this to our gods?” Abraham said: “No, this statue, the biggest of them has done it.”  “You know well that these idols don't speak!" They said impatiently. “Then how come you worship things that can neither speak nor see, nor even fend for themselves? Have you lost your minds?"

Their minds and their senses were telling them that the Truth is with Abraham, but their pride prevented them to accept it, and reject the idols they were worshipping for generations. This they thought would be total defeat. They started yelling at him and shouting: “Burn him! Take revenge for our gods!”

When they decided to burn him Abraham showed no resistance. Even when he was flung towards the massive fire Angel Jibreal appeared to save him.  When Jibreal said that Allah did not command him to save Abraham; Abraham refused the angels help and instead relied soley on Allah.  He knew that Allah will take care of him and in the process was giving his people practical dawah. 

Allah records this in Surah Anbiya

And indeed We bestowed a foretime on Ibrahim his (portion of) guidance, and We were Well-Acquainted with him (as to his Belief in the Oneness of Allah, etc.).When he said to his father and his people: “What are these images, to which you are devoted?”  They said: “We found our fathers worshipping them”.  He said: “Indeed you and your fathers have been in manifest error”. They said: “Have you brought us the truth, or are you one of those who play about?”  He said: “Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, Who created them and of that I am one of the witnesses.“And by Allah, I shall plot a plan (to destroy) your idols after you have gone away and turned your backs”.  So he broke them to pieces, (all) except the biggest of them, that they might turn to it.They said: “Who has done this to our gods?”He must indeed be one of the wrong-doers”.  They said: “We heard a young man talking (against) them who is called Ibrahim”.  They said: “Then bring him before the eyes of the people that they may testify”.  They said: “Are you the one who has done this to our gods, O Ibrahim?”  Abraham said: “Nay, this one, the biggest of them (idols) did it.  Ask them, if they can speak!”  So they turned to themselves and said: “Verily, you are the  Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers)”.  Then they turned to themselves (their first thought and said): “Indeed you Abraham know well that these (idols) speak not!”  Abraham said: “Do you then worship besides Allah, things that can neither profit you, nor harm you?”  “Fie upon you, and upon that which you worship besides Allah! Have you then no sense?”  They said: “Burn him and help your gods, if you will be doing.”We (Allah) said: “O fire! Be you coolness and safety for Ibrahim (Abraham)!”  And they wanted to harm him, but We made them the worst losers.

Allah helps His servants from sources we can never imagine.  Abraham understood that he was at all times living in the presence of Allah and this was later passed on to us.  This is why, when before we pray we recite

Inni -y wajjahtuwajh -e li- 'alladhefat.ara as- samaawaatwa- al- 'ard. hanef(an) wa- maa 'anaamin al-mushriken

"For me, I have set my face, firmly and truly, towards Him (Who is facing me) Who created the skies  and the earth, and never shall I give partners to Allah."

People say we pray to the kaba but Prophet Muhammad (pboh) is reported to have said; When you stand for salaat facing the Qibla understand that Allah is in front of you, and is between you and the Kaba”

We need to understand that we don’t own anything.  Everything is from The Creator.  All He has given is will power; power to channel His blessings on us in a direction of our chose.  Humans are blessed with a little bit of freedom with the knowledge that we will be taeken to judgement one day.

Submit to Allah and let Him take care of everything else.  The entire life of Abraham contains instances and actions where he demonstrated immaculate faith in Allah; from the story we recapped above up until his mature life.  We too should strive to build our reliance and faith in Allah.

It is something easy to profess but when the trials and test come your way, only then can you really test your faith.  Faith in Allah is something you cannot rationalise.  You must culture yourself to always trust and rely on your Lord and know that He will never let you down; just as He took care of Abraham in the most trying of times.

May Allah bless us all to develop faith and trust in Him, similar to the faith shown by His friend Abraham and all His other Messengers, insha Allah.

Transcript of discourse delivered by
Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed
At his weekly Zikir session held at the Hermitage Masjid

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Can we see the Prophet (pboh)?

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ

We often say Ash-hadu anla ilaha illallaah Wa Ash-hasu anna Muhammadar Rasuulullaah; I testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad (pboh) is Allah's Messenger.

In order to testify definitely that there is no God but Allah we rely upon the testimony of Prophet Muhammad (pboh), because he was taken up in the Divine Presence of Allah.  And Allah says in His Holy Words; 

There is no god but He: that is the witness of Allah, His angels, and those endued with knowledge, (3:18)

So whether we can conceptualised this fact or not we accept it because Prophet Muhammad (pboh); that one who never spoke a lie and who is the most trusted said so.  So we accept it wholeheartedly.

The next part of the declaration of faith is the testimony that Muhammad (pboh) is Allah’s last Messenger.  How can we verify this statement? 

Firstly, Allah tells us this; so we accept it.  It is also necessary for us to experience and to gain knowledge about whatever Allah tells us.  That is why He says; 

Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (with the thought): "Our Lord! not for naught hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire.  3:191

What then about the finality of the Messenger?  Every Messenger who came before brought something about the messenger, but they never brought the comprehensive message.  How then can we say with certainty that Muhammad (pboh) is the last Messenger?

Allah says in Qur’an ‘take note that amongst you is the Messenger of Allah’.  And the Qur’an contains the message for all times, not just during the life of Prophet (pboh).  Some scholars interpret this ayat to mean that it is his sunnah that is with us.  They also say the recitation of Al Qur’an is another way that he is with us because he taught us its recitation.

Whilst these are all true the ayat reflects more than that.  For example he is reported to have said: “Whoever sees me in a dream actually sees me”.  What does that mean? 

In other narrations we see that when a person is being questioned in the grave he visits them while the angels are questioning the person.  Physically he is not with us but he still maintains a connection with us.

This is possible why Allah says amongst you is the Messenger of Allah’ 

Understand that you don’t have to wait until the time of death comes in order for you to have vision of the Beloved Prophet (pboh).  If you purify yourself and connect to him, insha Allah you can achieve it in this realm.

May Allah bless us and enable us to connect and attach ourselves to His Beloved (pboh) in this world and the next.

Transcript of discourse delivered by

Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed

Our Wasila

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ

If you have to meet any important dignitary’s it is necessary that you get all the knowledge of the protocol.  That is just for ordinary human beings; what about the meeting with the Lord?

Allah wants us to approach Him in a particular way.  In order to get this done properly He gives us a command which He says in Surah Maa-idah; 

O ye who believe! Do your duty to Allah, seek the means of approach unto him, and strive with might and main in His cause: that ye may prosper.  (5:35)

Scholars discuss this particular principle in many ways but one thing they all agree on is that if you want to get to Allah you have to follow Prophet Muhammad (pboh).  Why, because he already met Allah and he is already aware of the etiquettes of getting to Allah.

So in essence what Allah is really telling us is; O you who believe; follow the Prophet (pboh).  Make him your wasila.  A wasila is like a middle person; therefore make Prophet (pboh) your means of getting closer to Allah.

We worship only Allah and do not ascribe any partners with Him.  This is something that is very clear to all Muslims.  We can go directly to Allah because He says ‘if you call on Me, I will respond’.  But there are many things which require some bit of information or example in order that we may maximise our capacity and capability in the short period of time.  That is why we need to tread that path that will not waste our time and resources.  That is called Siratal Mustaqeem.

Prophet Muhammad (pboh) is the best model and vehicle to take us to Allah.  Because Allah says 

And As one who invites to Allah’s (grace) by His leave, and as a Lamp spreading light.  (33:46)

He invites you to go to Allah and to take you along and to show you the path.  The path to Allah is Siratal Mustaqeem; that is the straight path; for which we always pray.  Allah says about the Prophet (pboh); 

So hold thou fast to the Revelation sent down to thee; Verily thou art on a straight way.  (43:43)

If the Prophet (pboh) is on the straight path and we want to get on the straight path; what then do we have to do?  We have to follow him (pboh).  As a result Allah says to us; 

Say: If you love Allah, then follow me.  (3:31)

That is why Prophet Muhammad (pboh) is our wasila.  He is that one who connects us with our Lord.  Why do we need to follow him if Allah gave us a Book of which is guidance?  You will see for example even in the time of the Companions they always looked towards the Prophet (pboh) for help and guidance; even though they were taught the Qur’an directly from him.  One simple example is that he taught us the times for salaat.  Allah commands us to establish our salaat, however nowhere in the Qur’an is the specific period of  timings mentioned.

He taught us how to follow the straight path to get to Allah.  So when Allah says seek the means of approach unto him we can take it to possibly mean; follow the Prophet (pboh) and make him your model and guide.  He is Siratal Mustaqeem.

The next very important point is that Prophet Muhammad (pboh) is very concerned for the believers.  Can you imagine how he will feel if we are deliberately going on the wrong path?  And he is connected to us, as Allah says; 

And know that among you is Allah’s Messenger.  (49:7)

And the Qur’an is a message for all times.  Allah didn’t say it was only relevant when he was alive.

Has his mission come to an end or does it still continue?  My dear friends, there are those who keep in constant contact with the Holy Prophet (pboh).  In other places in the Qur’an Allah says he and the angels pray for us; 

And the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, (4:64)

If you want to get close to Allah then get as close to His Beloved (pboh) as much as possible.  Any form of disrespect to him will render your deeds null and void.  Get closer to Allah by showing love and honour for Prophet Muhammad (pboh) and following his way.  Connect to Allah through him and insha Allah you will have no regrets.

May Allah increase our love and attachment to His Beloved (pboh) and through him as our wasila may we attain closeness to Him, insha Allah.

Transcript of discourse delivered by
Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed

Thursday, 5 December 2013

The Virgin birth of Jesus (peace be upon him)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful

By Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed

Transcript of discourse prepared for the Seminar for St. Andrew’s College; Wednesday 4th December 2013.

The appearance of Prophet Jesus on the earth occurred in an unusual way, according to the teachings of Islam.  Jesus (pboh) was the only person who was sent to mankind without the agency of a father. In order to fully comprehend how he came we need to understand the events as they occurred.  It all began with a vow made by the mother of Mary concerning the dedication of her pregnancy to God.

Mary’s mother vow:

Mary’s mother whose name was Hannah (Anne) was the wife of Imran (Aaron) who belonged to one of the tribes of Israel.  He was from the priestly class.  Perhaps this is one of the reasons why her mother decided to dedicate her child who was not yet born to the service of Allah.  So she prayed as follows:

O my Lord, I do dedicate unto Thee what is in my womb, for Your special service; so accept this from me, for You hear and know all things. (3:35)

At the time of making her prayer Hannah was not aware of the sex of the fetus in her womb; so when the child was born she found out that it was a girl.  On seeing that it was a girl and not a boy as she had expected, she spoke to the Lord in the following words:

O my Lord, I am delivered of a female child; and Allah knew best what she brought forth.  But she continued her prayer as follows: and in no way is the female like the male. I have named her Mary, and I commend her and her offspring to Your protection, from the Evil One, the Rejected. (3:36)

Mary, the mother of Jesus:

Mary was put in the temple under the care of Zakaria and his wife Elizabeth, who was a cousin of Mary.  Only Zakaria was permitted into her room, to take care of her and provide her requirements.

Zakaria was always puzzled when he used to go to her room, as he found that she always had a supply of fresh fruits and food, things that he never gave to her.  When he questioned her about it, her reply was always that it came from Allah, Who is the Sustainer of all.  The Qur’an mentions about this in the following verses:

Every time Zakaria entered her chamber to see her, he found her supplied with sustenance. He used to say: O Mary, from where did you get this? She would reply; from Allah, for Allah provides sustenance to whom He pleases without measure. (3:37)

Mary grew up very pure and pretty.  She was pure because she was always in seclusion, and she never experienced any monthly cycle as other women.  Allah tells us about her as follows:

Her Lord made her grow in purity and beauty in the care of Zakaria in whose care she was assigned. (3:37)

Mother Mary grew up to be a special woman, above all other women in history. Allah tells us about this in the Holy Qur’an in the following verse:

Behold, the angels said: O Mary, Allah has chosen thee and purified thee. He has chosen thee above the women of all nations. (3:42)

Prophet Muhammad (pboh) confirmed that Mary was special.  He is reported to have said that there are four great women in history. They are:

  1. The wife of Pharaoh
  2. Mary the mother of Jesus
  3. Lady Khadija (his wife)
  4. Fatima (his daughter)

The birth of Jesus (peace be on him):

When the time came for Prophet Jesus to come into the world, Allah sent Gabriel to Mary.  He appeared to her in the form of a man.  This got Mary disturbed as she wanted to know how he could have invaded her privacy without any permission.  The Qur’an tells us about this incident as follows:

Relate in the Book the story of Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place in the east.  She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them.  Then We sent to her Our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects.  She said, I seek refuge in the Merciful Lord from thee.  He said: nay, I am only a Messenger from your Lord to announce to you the gift of a holy son.  She said: how can I have a son seeing that no man hath touched me, and I am not unchaste?  He said: so it will be. Your Lord says; that is easy for Me, and We wish to appoint him as a Sign unto men, and as a mercy from Us. It is a matter decreed. (19:16-23)

After the discussion with her the angel blew into her and she conceived.  Allah says:

And Mary the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, and We breathed into it of Our Spirit. (66:12)

Islamic Scholars interpret “breathing into it” to mean that he blew into her shirt. It does not say that the angel blew into her private part.

There are other occasions when the angel blew into persons and the soul went into the body. For example, about Adam, Allah says:

He Allah fashioned him in due proportion and breathed into him something of His Spirit. (32:9)

Even Jesus was able to perform this miraculous gift, when he blew into the bird which was made out of clay, and it got life and flew away.   Allah records about this as follows:

Jesus said: O Children of Israel, I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord, in that I made for you, out of clay, as it were the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s leave. (3:49)

The conception and birth of Jesus, the son of Mary was unique, and different from the coming into the world of any other human being.  

Except for Father Adam, every single human comes into this world through conception of the sperm with the ovum.  Adam’s body was formed and fashioned and then Allah breathed (through the angel) his spirit or soul into his body.  He tells us so in the Qur’an in the following verse:

He (Allah) fashioned him (Adam), in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His Spirit. (32:9)

In the case of Prophet Jesus, the process was slightly different.  His soul was blown into Mary, and around the soul the body grew. This we know from the Qur’anic verse in which Allah says:

O People of the Book, commit no excess in your religion; nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus, the son of Mary was (no more than) a Messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a Spirit proceeding from Him. (4:171)

When the soul of Jesus was put into Mary, and she realized that she was pregnant, she left her room quietly and un-noticed and proceeded eastwards.  She rested below a date palm tree and there Jesus was born.  The Qur’an tells us about this as follows:

So she conceived him and she retired with him to a remote place, and the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree.  She cried (in her anguish): Ah; would that I had died before this; would I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight.  But a voice cried to her from beneath; Grieve not, for thy Lord has provided a rivulet beneath you, and shake the trunk of the date palm towards you, it will let fall fresh ripe dates upon you. So eat and drink and cool your eyes. And if you should see any man: say; I have vowed a fast to Allah Most Gracious, and today I will not be talking to any human being. (19:22-26)

Mary gave birth to Jesus under the date palm tree. There she got food from dates and water from the stream that was flowing below her.  She stayed there until she felt strong enough to return to her people.  She then took baby Jesus and returned.

When the people saw her with a baby, they were shocked and amazed. They said:

O Mary, (it is truly) an amazing thing you have brought. O sister of Aaron, your father was not an evil man, nor was your mother an unchaste woman. So she pointed to the babe. They said, how can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle? He (Jesus) said: I am indeed a servant of Allah. He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet.  And He hath made me blessed where so ever I be, and hath enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live.  He hath made me kind to my mother and not overbearing and miserable.  So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day I shall raise up to life again. (19:27-33)

Prophet Jesus lived a private secluded life with his mother. They were both sustained by Allah.  Later in his life he used to preach in the Synagogue in the day and retreat to the mountain during the night.

As he was very critical of the doings of the hierarchy of the Church, they wanted to get rid of him.  They thought of many ways of doing so but finally decided upon crucifying him.  The leaders of the Church violated every form of justice against an innocent person, and although God allowed them to crucify a person, it was not Jesus the son of Mary who was crucified.  The Holy Qur’an says:

They (the people of the Book) say (in boast) We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah; but they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but so it was made to appear to them. And those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no certain knowledge; but only conjecture to follow, for a surety they did not kill him. (4:157)

Monday, 14 October 2013

The true meaning of 'An Nabi Ul Ummi'

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ

One of the descriptions or attribute of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pboh) is that he is An Nabi Ul Ummi.  Normally, the layman may translate it to mean ‘the illiterate Messenger’.  However this is very far from the truth.  Although he did not attend any formal institution of learning, he gave to the Universe a Book which cannot be surpassed.  Concerning the Holy Qur’an Allah says;

Say: “If the whole of Mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of This Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.  (17:88)

Do you then think that he was really “illiterate” as we interpret this word to mean?  Therefore we have to understand what Allah means when He says;

 “Those who follow the apostle, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures):” (7:157)

“So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, who believeth in Allah and His Words: follow Him that (so) ye may be guided”.  (7:158)

My understanding and explanation of the unlettered Prophet’ is the one who ‘was not taught by anyone’ except Allah.  He never attended any institution; nor sat at the feet of any scholar.  He was never exposed to any academic teaching from any creature.  This is one reason why he is referred to as An Nabi Ul Ummi

For example, when Prophet Moses (as) was commanded by Allah to go to Pharaoh to give him the dawah, Pharaoh rebuked him by listing all the things he did for Moses as an infant.  On the other hand no one can accuse Prophet Muhammad (pboh) of him being indebted to them.  When he was a baby Halima took care of him and it was only out of his blessed personality that she began receiving so many blessings.  Then he went to his mother who died shortly after and the same with his grandfather.  No one could say that he owed them or anything of such.

A few other reasons why Allah refers to him as Nabi Ul Ummi are as follows;

1.        He was not taught by any creature yet he gave the Universal Message.  The very first revelation, Iqra, could be translated as read or recite.  So when Jibreel requested of him the first five verses of Surah Alaq; what he was possible asking him to do was to recite that which Allah impressed in his blessed heart.  To read would imply a script of which there was not any.

2.        He was never influenced by anyone.  And as a matter of emphasis Jibreel washed his heart on two separate occasions.  Before him the Arabs were quite barbaric.  They believed heavy in tribalism.  And with his coming he refined them and cultured them.  They didn’t give anything or taught him anything.  It was he who totally refined their personalities.

3.        He was never sustained by anyone.  Allah took care of him just as He did with Prophet Jesus (as) and his mother Mary.  As He says in Surah Dhuhaa:
Did We not find thee an orphan and give thee shelter (and care)?  And We found thee wandering, and We gave thee guidance.  And We found thee in need, and made thee independent.  (93:6-8)

4.       He had no biases for any tribe or nation.  He was fair, clean and clear.  Jesus, for example, came to the Israelites as he said “I came to uphold the Law of Moses.”  Prophet Muhammad (pboh) was sent to the whole of mankind.  And he harboured no doubt.  Abraham was questioned Allah as to how He can bring life to the dead.  Prophet (pboh) never displayed anything like that.

In the real sense of the word an nabi ul ummi, is like a mother.  When a baby is brought into the world he is not influenced by anyone and doesn’t know anything.  It has inherent or intuitive knowledge that Allah allows such as to cry or make signs.  Prophet Muhammad (pboh), in this world, was like a young infant.  He was not influenced by anyone except Allah.  Allah guided and took care of him.

Because he was like this and because Allah says of him that he never said any thing of his own desire; coming from him we have Ummul Qura – The Mother of all Cities and Ummaul Kitab – The Mother of all Books.  Would you then say he was illiterate as how we understand the word to be?

Even today we hear Imams attributing this term to him.  And really you cannot connect this degrading character to him.  He got his knowledge from Allah and no man could accuse him like how the Christian’s fabricate that he borrowed from the Bible.  All he gave was clean, pure and comprehensive.  Even though he was not formally taught he is the one who can take you back to your Lord because he went back to Him in this world.

The point we’re making is that we need to understand what Allah means when he says An Nabi Ul Ummi.  Contrary to the literal meaning and what we understand it to mean it does not truly reflect the meaning contained in the ayats quoted above. 

An Nabi Ul Ummi means he is unique, special and we really cannot comprehend the greatness of his personality.  He is not comparable to any other human being with regard to the contributions made intellectually, spiritually, socially and all the other disciplines. 

One of the spiritual formulas which I give to anyone undergoing difficulties and trying times is to recite as many times the following darood;

Allahumma Salay Ala Muhammad An Nabi Ul Ummi.

And I guarantee that once done you will see the benefits.  This is part of my spiritual formula that I do every day.  It is a real blessing to connect to him.  When we engage in darood we are establishing a special connection with him.  And Allah will bless us accordingly for this special darood which is unique in a lot of ways.  As a result it is very beneficial for us to understand what An Nabi Ul Ummi really means and to connect ourselves to that one who is Nabi Ul Ummi.  And insha Allah, Allah will bless us.

Two questions that arose during the discourse:

1.    What was the role of Angel Jibreel in the life of Prophet Muhammad (pboh)?
His role was to just bring that which Allah commanded him to bring.  He was not a teacher of Prophet (pboh).  Even when he impressed the Quran in the heart of Prophet (pboh) he did not know it.  As Allah says in Surah Rahmaan; It is He (Allah) who has taught the Qur'an (55:2).  Angels don’t question, they simply carry out command of Allah.

2.    Was Khadija influential on him?
She did not really influence him.  She, in fact learnt from him as she first hired him.  She even doubled her profit as a result.  So much came from him and eventually when they got married and she gave him her wealth, he didn’t keep it for himself.  He gave her what was sufficient for her to live and shared out the rest to poor.  In this context he helped her and she in turned acted as a true wife when he discussed things with her.  She fulfilled her role as a special companion as wives are special companions to their husbands.  To say she sustained him is incorrect.

We are talking about our leader and our model who has a special connection with Allah.  He is quite unique and incomparable.  And it’s very sad to see the term illiterate being used to describe a Messenger who is the highest of the high, after Allah Almighty.  May Allah enable us all to have a true understanding of His Beloved (pboh) and may He guide us to strengthen our relationship with him, insha Allah.

Transcript of discourse delivered by
Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed

The video presentation of this discourse can be accessed at

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Abraham's Faith

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ

Today we will reflect on one important lesson that Allah has preserved in the Holy Qur’an which demonstrates true reliance and submission to Him. 

Pharaoh had everything you could think about regarding material assets.  However none of those things saved him from the wrath of Allah.  On the contrary when Prophet Abraham (as) left Egypt and he was migrating with Prophet Lot (as); he gave Lot the option to chose firstly where he’d like to reside.  Lot selected the area that was very fertile and Abraham went on another route and look at the outcome. 

The people of Lot, because of their material blessings and acquisitions became so diverted and wayward that Allah destroyed most of them, (Sodom and Gomorrah).  On the other hand look at what Abraham did; he planted a small insignificant seed; that being Ishmael and his mother in Makkah.  And they came to rest there with no wealth, no property and no assets, but look at how Allah took care of them and caused them to grow.

This is important for us to keep in mind.  Some people believe that in order for you to be a righteous person you must have plenty of wealth in order to give charity, etc.  Whilst charity is important and beneficial, it does not only equate to material wealth.  You must have a good heart, you must be compassionate, and you must not harbour hate and malice and things of that nature.  These are things that are more valuable.  The lesson that we can take from Prophet Abraham is that of true submission.

Abraham had such faith in Allah that when he was young and the people decided to throw him into the fire; while he was being flung into the fire, Angle Jibril flew to him and asked ‘do you need any help’?  Abraham replied, ‘from you?  No, HasbiyAllahu wa nimal wakeel’ - Allah is my availed and protector and the best of aids.

And the fire had the opposite effect.  All those who gathered to look at Abraham’s fate were burnt to death because of the extreme heat from the fire, and inside the fire Abraham was so comfortable that he actually slept.  This is a real eye opener for the people at that time and even for us.  It demonstrates the work of Allah on one hand and the faith and trust in Him on the other. 

Prophet Lot selected the area he wanted to go to and Abraham gave no objections.  And look at who prospered and whose legacy lives on. 

Understand one thing; if you put your faith and trust firmly in your Lord, He will take care of you.  A lot of people can’t understand this.  They say you must have faith in Allah but you have to act.  This is true to an extent.  Allah says ‘and when the prayer is finished, then may ye disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah: and celebrate the praises of Allah often (and without stint): that ye may prosper’.(62:10).  But we must understand that everything is dependent on Allah, even our ability to act.

Keep one thing in mind at all times; your Lord will never let you down if you have your faith and trust in Him.  Yes He will try you; Prophet Muhammad (pboh) is reported to have said ‘Verily if Allah loves a people He tries them (with trials”).  He will try us but we must beg Him to make the trials easy for us.

Abraham went through so many trials but he knew one thing that is Allah will never let Him down.  And he knew that creatures could not have helped him. 

We say this ever so often to remind ourselves that we must have true unwavering faith and trust in Allah. 

Look back at some of the trying issues you would have been faced with and look at how Allah resolved it; sometimes in manners that we may not have seen coming.  We don’t know; only Allah is All Knowing. 

Our spiritual exercises that we engage in every week will help us to strengthen our faith and reliance on our Lord.  Always remember whatever Allah has decreed for you will come to pass But as Prophet Muhammad (pboh) is reported to have said “Dua adverts decree”.  For example if a difficulty was decreed to you and you sincerely made dua Allah to alleviate and lessen the burden of trials the decree will comes to pass but in another dimension.  It can come to pass as a bad dream etc.

Dear friends, always remember that we have no say in our lives; it is only Allah that can help.  We can do such things that will help us as we go along, for example sending darood will bring barakat for you; if you give charity it can help you.Keep this in mind and remember if you live like this, with real faith in your Lord, He says

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Day (behold), ye prefer the life of this world; but the Hereafter is better and more enduring.  (87:16-17)

Some people interpret it to mean only the hereafter but here it means in this verse later in your life as well.  If you are trying to get close to your Lord; He will take care and never let you down. 

Getting close to Him also means getting peace of mind.  To understand that even though you are faced with tests and trials, Allah will open a way out of them for you and He knows what is best for us.

Abraham’s lesson is a lesson of faith, reliance and submission in Allah; no matter what the condition; and we sincerely beg Allah to grant us reliance and trust in Him just like His Khalilullah, insha Allah.
May Allah enable us to develop and culture true faith, trust and submission in Him, especially when we are faced with trying times and difficulties?  May Allah bless us all, guide us and always take care of our affairs, insha Allah. 

Transcript of discourse delivered by
Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed