Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Performance of Jummah & Eid salaat on the same day

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ


Should a person perform the Jumuah Salaat if Eid and Jumuah should fall on the same day, i.e. on a Friday?

According to the Hanafi, Shaafi and Maliki Mazhaib, if Eid and Jumuah should fall on the same day, the two cannot be combined; so the Eid Salaat will have to be performed separately from the Jumuah Salaat.

One of the reasons given is because the Jumuah Salaat is an Obligatory one, and is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. The Eid Salaat is not mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, and is Waajib. So that preference must be given the Obligatory over the Waajib.

Imam Hanbal is of the view that if both Salaat should coincide; then only the Eid Salaat has to be performed and the Jumuah Salaat may not necessarily be performed, although the Imam must be present at the time of Jumuah in the Masjid.

Imam Hanbal's reason for giving such an opinion is based on a Hadith reported by Abu Huraira in which he reports that the Prophet (pboh) said to the Bedouins on the day of Eid after the Salaat: Whoever wishes he may perform the Jumuah Salaat; and whoever wishes he may return; we shall soon meet again.

According to the Scholars, the Prophet (pboh) was giving permission to all those who came from far off to perform the Eid Salaat, and can be classified as travellers. For them Jumuah was not compulsory, so that they had the option, if they wanted, to remain for the few hours to get Jumuah, or to return back to their homes. When he said that they were to meet again soon, he was referring to the meeting for Jumuah.

The same thing happened in the time of Hazrat Uthman, and he gave the same concession to those who came from far off. However, the people of the city performed Jumuah afterwards.

The conclusion is that if the two Salaat should fall on the same day, the two must be performed separately.

Allah knows best.

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