Friday, 13 June 2008


Darood is a special term used by some Muslims to indicate a special kind of blessing which Allah and His Angels are bestowing on Prophet Muhammad (pboh). This blessing is called in the Holy Qur'an, Salaat (Salawaat). Allah says:

Verily, Allah and His Angels send Salaat on the Prophet (33:56)

For the believer Darood comprises the sending of Salaat and Salaam (salutation) on the Messenger of Allah.

Allah and His Angels are not sending this Gift to the Prophet (pboh) for him to keep for himself. It is a special medium chosen by the Lord, through which the pious believers, who regard the Prophet (pboh) as the best of everything Allah created, to connect themselves to his personality and benefit from the gifts that Allah and His Angels are sending on him.

This is not a matter of choice for the followers of the Prophet (pboh), as Allah commands them as follows:

O you who believe, send Salaat on him, and salute him with the most honourable salutation. (33:56)

Believers salute him when they are worshipping Allah, as they recite Darood e Ibraheem when they sit to conclude the Obligatory Worship. In addition, many of the pious Muslims recite Darood as much as possible, and especially on Fridays. This is because Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said:

Ibn Masud reported that the Prophet (pboh) said: The person closest to me on the Day of Judgment is the one who excels in the recitation of Darood. (Ahmad)

Aus reported that the Prophet (pboh) said: The best of your days is Friday; so send more and more Darood to me on it, for your greetings are presented to me. They asked: How are greetings presented to you while you are dead and your body is turned into dust? He replied: Allah has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the prophets. (Abu Dawood, Nasai)

Prophet Muhammad (pboh) has been sent as a "Mercy to the Worlds". He was not sent merely to receive the Holy Qur'an on behalf of the Muslims or to only to establish Islam. He was given a unique role, unlike the other Messengers of Allah. His Mission was that, in addition to being the recipient of the divine revelations, and the model Muslim, to enable the believers to experience the feeling of being in the divine presence of Allah. This, the believers do in the daily Obligatory Worship. (Salaat).

Prophet Muhammad (pboh) has also being made the connecting link between the divine blessings that are flowing from Allah and His Angels to believers. As, when they send Darood on him they are performing an act that the Lord and the Angels are doing, and receiving the blessings that accrue from such an act. He is reported to have said:
Abu Darda reported that the Prophet (pboh) said: Whoever from my followers sends one Salaat on me, with a sincere heart, Allah returns ten to him, elevates him ten stages higher, writes for him ten good (in his book of deeds) and removes from him ten sins. (Nasai).

Prophet Muhammad (pboh) remains "spiritually" connected to the believers. The Holy Qur'an informs us about this in the following verse:

And know that among you is the Messenger of Allah. (49:7)

He is reported to have said:

Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (pboh) said: When anyone from my followers sends salaams to me, Allah causes my soul to re-enter my body so that I can reply to his salaams. (Abu Dawood, Baihaqi)

Whoever should send Darood and Salaams to me near my grave I hear them, and whoever should do so from a distant place, it reaches me. (Baihaqi)

Believers maintain a special relation with the Messenger of Allah. This is because they love him very much. He is reported to have said:

Those who will love me from among my followers will be people after me, of whom every body will like that they could see me at the cost of family and property. (Muslim).

One of the continuous role of the Prophet (pboh) is let the constant blessing that is coming from Allah and His Angels to be passed on to believers who recite Darood. Perhaps this is one of the meanings of the verse in which Allah says:

As well as to confer all the benefits to those that are to come who have not yet joined him. (63:3)

He is reported to have said: I pray for those who recite Darood on me.

Hazrat Abdul Qaadir Jilaani knew this very well, and as a result he gave to the followers of the Prophet (pboh) a very important principle of sending Salaat and Salaams on the beloved of Allah. The believers are fully aware that out of love for them he will be begging Allah on their behalf, especially when they send Darood on him.

The Shaikh has therefore compiled a Darood called Darood e Akseer e Azam which is a complete dua (supplication). As Salaat on the Prophet (pboh) is a gift to him from the person sending it, the Messenger will respond by begging Allah on behalf of that person. Hazrat Umar is reported to have said:

Verily the dua remains suspended between the skies and the earth, and does not help in any way until Darood is sent to the Prophet (Tirmizi)

In this Darood, the one who is reciting, firstly, sends Darood (Salaat) on the Prophet (pboh) and then makes his/her request.

This Darood is very rich in meaning and covers all aspects of life. It is a great form of supplication and is recommended that it be read every Friday.

Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed.

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