Thursday, 29 March 2012

Important eye openers

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ

The Holy Qur’an, as we know, contains important lessons for mankind. Insha Allah today we will look at a couple of these eye-openers’ mentioned in the last ten (10) chapters of the Holy Qur’an.

Firstly Allah says about Abu Lahab;

‘No profit to Him from all his wealth, and all his gains!’ (111:2)

Before Abu Lahab left this world he was an extremely wealthy and influential person. However, in his final days before he died and even when he died he became so repugnant that no one wanted to bury him. The people at that time dug a huge hole and forced an African slave to push Abu Lahab’s body in the hole. What was the value of his wealth and power? A man of such power was reduced to filth. Allah is showing us that all your material acquisitions’ have absolutely no value to Him. Everyone will be judged on what was sent before and whatever Sadaqah Jariyah was left behind. Material wealth can either harm you or help you. Don’t end up like Abu Lahab. Use the blessings of Allah to earn His Paradise.

Secondly, Allah says about the Quraish;

‘For the Covenants (of security and safeguard enjoyed) by the Quraish, their Covenants (covering) journeys by winter and summer, - let them adore the Lord of This house, Who provides them with food against hunger, and with security against fear (of danger)’. (106)

The Quraish were the most elite tribe in Makkah. They were so respected that they were not troubled or harassed by others. Allah mentions that He is The One Who protected them even when they went outsides the borders of Makkah for trade. So don’t ever let your position or status cloud your judgement and divert you from Allah. He is the one that takes care of our affairs. Sometimes we may have the mentality that ‘I’. Allah preserved the body of Pharaoh to teach us a lesson. Power and status is no guarantee that you will be saved from the Hell Fire. Worship and submit humble to Allah and know that whatever you have achieved in this world is on account of the blessings and mercy of Allah. And He can take it all away in a matter of seconds so submit to Him and let Him take care of your affairs.

Thirdly Allah says in Surah Nashr

‘When comes the help of Allah, and victory, and thou dost see the people enter Allah’s religion in crowds, celebrate the praises of Thy Lord, and pray for His forgiveness: for He is Oft-Returning (in Grace and mercy)’. (110)

Know your cut of point. Don’t keep running after the world and keep on procrastinating. Our time here is short and you can’t afford to keep putting off Islam for a next day. Allah is advising us that when you’ve achieve enough and your responsibilities have lessened a bit, spend more time working for the hereafter instead for this world. Unfortunately we see many who keep on ‘grabbing after the world’, not knowing when enough is truly enough. Do exhaust your life by solely seeking the pleasures of this world. Balance your time in a way that you can work for this world and also for the hereafter.

All these teaching and so much more are preserved in the Holy Qur’an for us. How often do we ponder and contemplate on them? Understand that Allah loves you and He wants us to be counted amongst the fortunate ones, so take heed of the advice He has conserved for us.

May Allah enable us to instill the advice He has given us. May He take care of our affairs in this world and the next and may He bless us with the ability to properly balance of time.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Helping Allah

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ

There may be some of you who when hearing/reading our weekly zikir lessons will be learning many new things for the very first time. But take note that it can be verified because it is taken solely from the Qur’an. Anyone who doesn’t understand or doubts anything that is said in this weekly presentation can clarify it with Dr. Waffie via his email:

Today, insha Allah, we will be looking at ayat 7 of Surah Muhammad. As with all the other chapters of the Holy Qur’an, Surah Muhammad contains important messages for us and it is very direct and straight to the point. Allah says;

‘O ye who believe! If ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly’.

Firstly we must understand that Allah does not need us. It is we who need Him. So what then does He mean when He says if ye will aid Allah?

In order to understand this let us reference the Israelites. As mentioned in the Qur’an the Israelites were given vast blessings. They didn’t have to do anything. And yet they did not help Allah. And sadly even today they are still fighting for material acquisitions. Allah did not set their feet firmly because they did not aid Him.

On the other hand Prophet Muhammad (pboh) grew up as an orphan. When he was a young man He had to take small jobs in order to take care of himself. One of the differences with him is that He helped Allah and Allah firmly planted his feet firmly and his mission started to grow and spread. Even today his mission is spreading all over the world. And his status, which is second to none, also grew astronomically.

The question is how can we help Allah? One means is by assisting in spreading His Word. Prophet Muhammad (pboh) is reported to have said ‘The best amongst you are those who have learnt the Qur’an and teaches it to others.’ This is because you are helping to spread the Word of Allah. And if you help Allah He will never desert you. This is why dawah is so important and incumbent on all Muslims.

The second means of helping Allah is by spreading His Light. Moses (as) wanted to see Allah and was told that he couldn’t. Why, because Moses wanted to see Allah with his physical eyes. Can you look directly at the sun at midday? And that’s the sun what about the Light of Allah. How then can we spread His Light? By polishing and keeping your heart clean.

For example if I want to brighten a dark room with the sunlight all I need to do is to take a clean mirror and angle it to reflect the sunlight into the room. So too our hearts are like mirrors. If we can keep it clean and pure it can reflect the Light of Allah as He says in Surah Ma’ida ‘Light upon Light! Allah doth guide whom He will to His Light’.

Prophet Muhammad (pboh) is the best example of this. His entire personality was like a mirror. Many Companions reported that there were times when they looked at him and he was much brighter that the full moon. If we keep our heart clean we can also reflect something of the Light of Allah.

The third means by which we can aid Allah is by

‘Enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong’. (3:104)

Allah loves purity and by engaging in the halal and abstaining from the haram you will be getting closer and closer to your Lord. This is evident on the night of the Mir’aj. Prophet Muhammad (pboh) aided Allah so much that He was physically returned to Allah in this world.

We thank Allah for blessing us with His pure and unadulterated Words. We are truly blessed because we alone have it. We must therefore get close to it and try to inculcate the three points mentioned above. By helping Allah you would have attained success in both worlds and insha Allah, Allah will take care of your affairs.