بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ
begins the message of the Holy Qur’an, after Surah Fatiha;
This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those
who fear Allah. Who believe in the
unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what we have provided for
them; and who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time,
and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter. They are on (true) guidance, from their Lord,
and it is these who will prosper. (2:1-5)
The Qur’an will only impact on those people who are Al Mutaqeen; i.e.
those who believe in the existence of Almighty God and the Unseen
Verities. Amongst us there are so many
things that can’t be seen. For example
you cannot see someone’s strength but you know it exists. There are so many things that are in
existence but their nature is intangible.
If you really want to benefit from the Qur’an you have to believe that
it came from a Personality Who we cannot see.
If you don’t believe that you will have a problem. And in addition you can beautify it by
establishing your salaat, paying the zakaat etc. Only then will the Qur’an have an impact on
you; otherwise it’ll be just another book for you.
I’m now realising that whenever people say disrespectful things about
the Qur’an it comes back to the ayat as to
those who reject faith, it is the same to them whether thou warn them or do not
warn them, they
will not believe: hence they will have no reverence for the Qur’an. To
them it’s just another Book.
If it was just another Book why did Allah
say if He were to reveal it on the mountain the mountain would crumble to dust?
So try your best to appreciate this great Book because, at the beginning
says it is guidance for those who believe.
The more you try to get closer to Allah
and appreciate the Qur’an, the softer your heart will become.
We have lots of work to do as compared to the non-believers; because to
them it doesn’t matter. We know that
is with us when we remember Him. And we
are reciting His words; won’t it benefit you?
When you hear disrespectful things being said about Islam; be careful
and don’t get dangerously emotional, because Satan will use your emotions to
divert you. We have to be guarded when
these things come up and react in an appropriate manner that will bring about a
positive result of our personality and the general outlook of Islam.
Be careful as Muslims are generally under the microscope. Beg Allah
for guidance especially in times of emotional unrest.
Sympathise with those individuals who say unfortunate things because
they are blind to the facts. They won’t
appreciate and understand. Our resolve
should be not to be like them; educate yourself and increase your faith in
May Allah
guide us and protect us and help us to deal with those who are misguided in a
manner that would be pleasing with Allah.