Tuesday, 18 September 2018


Prophet Muhammad had two grandsons,
One was Hussain and the other Hassan.
The boys’ mother was Fatima,
She was the Prophet’s beloved daughter.

After the Prophet passed away,
Some Muslims refused to obey,
And so they began to fight,
Each group believed it was right.

Hussain tried to stop the war,
And to have peace as before’
But on the tenth of Muharram
The angry people knocked him down.

Tenth of Muharram is a special day,
When Muslims keep fast and pray,
Allah forgives the past year sins
A great blessing for all Muslims

Monday, 14 May 2018


Life is indeed a great struggle,
As it passes us each day.
We’re to try and avoid evil
And bow down and pray.

We’re to uphold all that’s good
As we go along the way.
This is to be clearly understood
And be careful of what we say.

As we’ve only one life to live
Choose the right pathway.
Know that the lord can forgive
If you had gone astray.