بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ
says in Surah An'am;
It is those who believe and confuse not their beliefs with wrong -
that are (truly) in security, for they are on (right) Guidance. (6:82)
warns against clothing up our beliefs with dhum (wrong) as it will
inevitably lead to distress. To clothe
ones belief means to cover it up with something, and in this case it is
covering it with wrongful deeds and actions.
This has a greater spiritual implication as oppose to the theological.
All the varying categories of dhum will cover the qalb and will
bring about grief and misery. The
Christians for example believe in the Oneness of God but worship Jesus (as). Thus they will find themselves among the
unfortunate ones.
talks about the signs of the Day of Judgement.
Understand that this world is His and He allows what He wants to take
place. It is not our business to
question His workings. Our goal is to find
peace and tranquillity. How can this be
achieved? Do as Allah
says in the ayat mentioned above; and confuse not
their beliefs with wrong.
On the Day of Judgement Allah, through His Divine capacity to forgive, will pardon whomever He wants,
but you should not wait for that Day. While your posses the capacity and ability wash
away your blemishes with tauba. We are
taught to pray;
Allahummas turrnaa bi satrikal
“O Allah! Cover us (i.e. our faults) with a beautiful
Your mission in life is to leave here with a shinning qalb. Yes you may do wrong, but whenever you do hasten
to wash it away. This is how life is; we
are not angels. We sometimes falter
along the path.
One day, the
Sahaba, Hanzalah al-Usaydi met Hazrat Abu Bakr and confessed to him that he was
convinced he was a hypocrite because he felt divided between contradictory feelings. In Prophet Muhammad’s (pboh) presence, he almost saw paradise and hell, but when he was away
from him, his wife and children and his affairs caused him to forget. Hazrat Abu Bakr in turn admitted that he
experienced similar tensions. They both
went to the Prophet (pboh) to question him about the seemingly dismal state of their
spirituality. Hanzalah explained the
nature of his doubts and Prophet Muhammad (pboh) answered,
“By He who
holds my soul in His hands, if you were able to remain in the [spiritual] state
in which you are when in my company, and remember God permanently, the angels
would shake your hands in your beds and along your paths. But it is not so,
Hanzalah: there is a time for this [devotion, remembrance] and a time for that
[rest, amusement].”
We have entered the blessed month of Rajab, which means Ramadhan is fast
approaching and the beauty of Ramadhan is that if you keep the fast and pray to
your Lord all your sins will be forgiving.
So start training yourself from now so that when Ramadhan arrives you
will be able to fully benefit.
Remember no amount of money can buy peace and tranquillity. The greatest thing you can achieve in this
world is peace and tranquillity.
We don’t want to clothe our beautiful bright shinning ruh with dhum. If you can maintain this, insha Allah you
will find peace, and on the Day of Accountability you will find yourself
amongst those whose personality will be bright and shinning.